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The main goal of this website is to inform, educate and build a like-minded community. This requires a substantial amount of work on our part, which we are not paid for without our advertising and affiliated business partners.

The products or services reviewed, recommended, and linked to from this site, will have investigated thoroughly. We will only ever recommend a product to you that we feel is truly beneficial. Many of the products on our website have been used by our writers and editors. For those that haven’t been, extensive research has been done to find detailed experiences by other users based on user ratings and reviews through various websites and forums.

We will never link to, endorse or recommend products and services solely for financial gain. We will only ever recommend a product or service that we feel brings value to our audience.

However, if you find a link to a 3rd party product, whether within a product review or otherwise, there is a high probability we will earn an affiliate commission on that product at no cost to you. This is disclosed upfront in each individual article.

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Casino Reports has advertising relationships with different advertising partners. These partners may or may not use different advertising platforms, including Google Adsense, or other means of earning revenue.

While we have influence over the advertising placements on our site, we do not generally control the ads being displayed. This is another way that is user-supported. Generally, these ads served to you will be relevant to the content topics of the page you are reading about.

Questions & Concerns

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